Penwell Classic – Walnut
Whether you're always on the go or simply like the minimal-industrial vibe, our Penwell Traveler will certainly fit the bill to make writing with your capped pen handier wherever you might find yourself.
Featuring a soft foam insert with an internal taper (that can be reversed for smaller caps), the Penwell can accommodate a wide variety of pen cap sizes—the farther you insert the cap, the tighter it's held, allowing you single handed use of your favorite capped writing tool. It accommodates both slip fit and threaded caps, and is particularly handy for stop and go writing as the pen usually doesn't need to be fully capped between uses.
Keeping the Penwell itself secured to your writing surface is a microsuction pad that adheres with simple suction technology as the Penwell is pressed down. No adhesives or glues to bother with, the microsuction pad has a surprisingly strong grip and is easily removed, repositioned, and cleaned for continual reuse.
While we would argue the Traveler is a refined little writing tool, it's rough and tumble aluminum exterior fits its look just right. The main body articulates from a totally collapsed position for portability to over 90 degrees, allowing you to customize the angle for your use.
Included with the Traveler is a zippered case and protective cover to keep the microsuction pad clean during transport.
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